Saturday, January 24, 2009

Finally Done!

Well the Valentine Cards for DD's class are finally done. I have them all assembled and in their envelopes. I am just hoping I don't have to make anymore. I loved to do them, but I was anxious to get them done and out of the way so I can focus on other things. Allie went to my parents' house today so I was able to get things done. I would have loved to get more done, but oh well. Perhaps I can work on some things in the morning when I get up. I want to work more on my scrap room organization. I have it pretty much to where I want it to be, but I would love to alter a few things for that room. I would like to alter my grandpa's embellishment containers and then do something cute with the new wire rack that my DH got for me to put my idea books and magazines on. Nothing special just perhaps some ribbon etc to get it to look more decorative. I need to find something to place on each shelf so the flimsier magazines do not fall through the racking. He was getting ready to toss it out at work last week when he thought of me and decided to bring it home and see if I would have any use for it in my scraproom. I sat up that night thinking of ideas and the idea book rack hit me. I got up the next morning and had it done in no time. I love it, and it fits perfectly in my room. I now have more room in the cupboards to put other things in that are not scrap related. Well I will think on it for awhile till I see if I can do anything to alter it. If not it will remain the way it is, and if I do alter it I will post a picture of it when I am done.

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