Monday, May 11, 2009

Sorry I haven't been around.

I can honestly say I am officially a World of Warcraft addict. I spend most of my spare time either playing that game, or scrapbooking, but scrapbooking seems to be losing to it right now. I am hoping that once the wedding is over and I have a ton of wedding pics to edit and scrapbook, I can just play WOW after work. School will be ending soon, so I will have Allie during the days as well, and I want to keep her on as close to school schedule as possible. By doing that it shouldn't be so hard int eh fall, and she tends to do better on a schedule. I plan on taking her hiking and getting her outside to play more as well this year. She has a ton of baby fat to get rid of as do I. :) Dean and Allie bought me a new Jade plant and a flat of flowers for mother's day. It was nice. I needed some flowers, and I miss the Jade tree that died a few months ago. He also bought himself some tomatoes to use in that Topsy Turvy planter that they advertise on tv. He got one for Christmas from his parents. I am ableto meet up on WOW with a friend whom I can't see on a regular basis but who plays in the evenings when he gets off work at 12:00am like me. We spent 2 hours talking Saturday Night. I am looking forward to chatting with him some more. We got caught up on what we have missed in each others' lives for the past 8 or 9 months. It really was nice. I may play some when I get home tonight. I will have to see how awake I am. Tomorrow I am hoping to scrapbook as they shut WOW down for most of the day to do upgrades and maintenance on it. It stinks when you really want to play, but then it gives me the chance to do housework and scrapbook. My scrapbook room right now is a nursery. All of the plants we got on Saturday are out there until the cold weather front that we are experiencing has passed. Well I need to get off of here. I have to head to work and finish with Dean's dinner. Have a good evening and I will type more later. Hopefully I will have a layout or two to share tomorrow.

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