Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Day Off From Creating...

Today I chose to go back to bed after Allie left for school. A dear friend whom I haven't spoken to in at least a month called and we talked until at least 1:00pm. (She called at 9:00am :)!) We plan aday together for this Friday. We are both off of work, and she has a lot going on and just needs someone to help her taker her mind off of things. Not sure what we will do. Dean is off as well and I know he won't say anything or be angry if I take the time to spend with her. Kelly over at My Bucket Overflowth has once again created works of art that have inspired me to make a card for my dear friend. I think that will be my project tomorrow when Allie leaves. I still need to go to the grocery store tomorrow, but I just haven't even wanted to create a grocery list. I hate making the same things over and over again. I get bored and won't even eat what I make because I am tired of the same thing every week. Dean is very picky so getting him to try something new is near impossible. Yesterday I played around with adding a playlist to my blog spot here. I added aobut 80 some songs and all are from different types of music and different eras. I am one of those people that do not care if the song is from the 80's, 20's, 50's, or the currents. If the song speaks to me and invokes a specific feeling for me, then I will download it. I have songs on there from Elvis and then from Paramore. Those two are at total opposites of the spectrum, but they invoke feelings in me and inspire. I would probably consider this a playlist for scrapbooking. So ideas are going through my head at a very rapid pace right now. Things are going to look pretty good in the future for us, and what is happening will allow us our family vacation/honeymoon (13 years later). We have a goal to take Allie to Disney World, Sea World, and the beach for her 9th birthday. The goal was looking pretty far out of reach until about 4 or 5 days ago. We received some good news that should allow us to set money aside for the much needed vacation. So with that in mind I am trying to look ahead to March of 2010, and planning her birthday celebration. I am hoping that Dinner with Shamu will be open for that week and we can celebrate her birthday then. She loves Orcas, and is really wanting to see one up close, and Dinner with Shamu will be perfect for her. We are hoping my parents will go with us and make it a family thing. We are planning on flying I think, as a few days travel time both ways in a car with my daughter would drive everyone nuts. So with hope in our hearts and hopefully money in our savings account we will be spending the first week of March 2010 in Florida. I am also seeing if Dean will allow me one small expense for myself and allow me to purchase a cutter that will do 12x12. I love the look of die cut paper, but hate paying the price for it. I want to be able to cut a 12x12 piece of cardstock or patterened paper and use it for a bkgd etc. And perhaps he will let me get some new supplies. I am hoping that we can get him a new/used car with the money as well. We have two vehicles that we will use for a trade in towards the new one, so we shouldn't have to do any financing. He wants nothing fancy just a nice car to drive. Probably wants air too. :) So looking towards the future it seems a bit brighter for us. I don't think he expected me to demand the vacation but I can't take one more vacation and not go anywhere. We neverhad a honeymoon 13 years ago and we have never gone anywhere other then Michigan for a baseball game with my parents, so I think that as a family we deserve to splurge a little and have a real vacation. So cross your fingers that all goes as planned and that March will be a bright spot in our lives. I am also planning a return to the Berlin Scrapbooking retreat in March as well. I enjoyed myself, though I didn't accomplish what I had planned, but it was nice to just spend time with my friends and not have to cook, clean, or take care of my daughter or grandaughter for a few days. No one screaming MOM!! It was blissful!! So I am going to sign off of here, and I will post a picture of the pick me up card that I want to get done tomorrow. Have a fabulous day and I will post more later.


  1. Hi Tricia!

    Thanks so much for the encoraging comment you left on my blog! I really appreciate that and it makes me happy to know that I might have helped inspire you to create a card for your friend.

    You will be in my neck of the woods when you make it to your dream vacation in Disney. I am only a couple of hours away from Orlando! I wish you the best of luck planning for and then fulfilling your dream for that vacation!

    Have a great night!

  2. Ah Kelly, you always inspire me, and I love to create cards more now because of your gorgeous work!
